how to make money as a teen from home legit side hustles
how to make money as a teen from home - legit side hustles that pay 1000/mo

How to make money as a teen from home without skills and no investment 2024

Times are hard and just getting harder!
You may hear your parents complaining about rising prices. Maybe they can no longer afford to buy new clothes, games, apps, or pay for your hobbies.

Tens of thousands are losing their jobs. Millions will lose their homes. It’s just going to get worse.

Everyone needs to make money – and you need to start earning now to save up for the hard times ahead!

As a teen, you don’t have many options of how to make money online.

Sure, there is the usual “make money fast” scheme of answering paid surveys. But the hard cold truth is you might make $1-5/day after working for hours, IF they even pay you! Most are scams! And the ONLY reason people rave about surveys is because THEY get paid when you join!

In this article, we’ll share the easiest, LEGIT way to make money as a teen in October 2024.

How to Make Money as a Teen without skills?

how to sell your photos online for money

The EASIEST way to earn extra money is to sell simple photos you snap on your phone.
Photos of food, your pets, your selfies, your family.

Did you know that there are millions of websites that buy images EVERY DAY for their articles?

They must buy images to have the legal right to use them!

Even big newspapers and magazines like the NY Times, Huffington Post, Vogue, CNN, ABC buy images for their articles!

You’ll get $25 – $250 EACH time someone buys your photo!

It’s a super easy way to earn an extra $500 – $2,000 per month.

Anyone can do it! All you need is your smartphone. It doesn’t matter where you live.

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Here’s how to make money as a teen from photos you take:

  1. Go here to join.
  2. Take pictures as instructed.
  3. Upload the images and earn!

The more images you upload, the more money you’ll make.

How to easily earn extra money in 2024 without much work?

#1 – Take pictures of your food.

Insider magazine paid $125 for this simple image of crackers!

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#2 – Take pictures of your makeup to make an easy $300. Yes, really!

The Sun and 20 other magazines bought Meaghan’s photo of her makeup!
She made over $5,650 from this SINGLE image!!!

how to make money as a teen online
How cool is that?


Depending on how many images you snap, you could earn $500 – $3,000 per month!

You’ll even make money when you’re doing other things like sleeping, meeting friends, studying. Upload images once and keep earning in the background without more work!

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Bel pays the rent from the money she earns selling her images! Listen to what she says:
“The profit from your smartphone photography can help you live your dream life… the freedom to make money doing what you love… it pays the bills… how I pay the rent.”

Bel snapped a photo in her garden, uploaded it…  an hour later it sold and made her $1,000!


Jaki makes a nice side income without any work! She uploaded a few images once and they keep earning her money every month.

Here’s what Jaki says: “I make an average of $200-$500 each month from photos I’ve taken just for fun… It’s pretty much just been free money

A SINGLE photo she took of a friend’s dog at a BBQ party made her $692!


#3 – Make money from your siblings.

Do your parents want you to babysit for them for free?
Take pictures of siblings and profit from them.

Huffington Post paid $500 for THIS picture of a girl picking her nose!

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#4 – Pet cats and earn real money!

Another way to earn on your phone, is to take pictures of your pets or your friend’s pets.
(And if you do dog-walking gigs, then make extra cash by taking pics of the dogs!)

Images of cats and dogs are very popular.
Google reports there over 100 million websites that write about pets! And they ALL need images for their articles.

This sleeping dog photo made over $3,000!

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How to make $1,000 each month at home?

Take simple photos around the house. People are making hundreds of dollars even from pictures of the shower, the toilet, and the fridge!

Look, this

Spend a few hours one day, take a bunch of images, upload them and earn every month!

You can keep on making money for years even from old pictures you uploaded once.


How to make money staying at home?

Selling your pictures is the simplest way to make money from home.
You can even make money during lockdowns!

Even if you can’t leave your home, you can still make an extra income by selling your images online.

What’s the best side hustle for teens to make $1000/mo?

There are many side hustles you can do but most require a lot of time, work, effort – and some are dangerous!
Like babysitting for instance… Many girls get raped even by friends and neighbors.

The best side hustle for teens is one you can do from anywhere, and without needing to have special skills or buy any gear/merch/stocks to invest in a business.

That’s why we love this side hustle taking photos on your phone!

Many people are making $500 – $3,000 per month from ordinary images they take on their phone.

Even old people who don’t understand about technology are making money snapping pictures of their pets!

Millions of websites buy images. It’s a huge market with tons of buyers.

And the number of images sold is just going up each year!

It’s the best business to be in.

When you upload your images now, you can keep on making money from the m long into the future also when you do other things.

how can I make an extra 1000 per month as a teen

Momo made over $2,700 selling this photo to Forbes and other magazines!


How to make $500 fast from home?

Upload 20 images. If each image is sold once, you’ll get $250. If 10 websites buy each image, you could make $2,500!

Some images are bought THOUSANDS of times!

The easiest ones to sell are images of food. Millions of websites write about food, recipes, healthy food, unhealthy food etc. They always need more images of food and pay handsomely for each photo they use!

Can I make money as a 13 year old?

Yes, but you’ll need your parents to sign up for you under their name.


What are the best online earning apps for teenagers?

There are many apps that enable you to make money including:

  • Paid survey apps (most pay $0.10 – $1 per hour even when they promise you great riches).
  • Local gig apps. Fiverr and other similar startups enable you tot create a profile and offer services for $5 – $200+. For instance, you can get paid to give book reviews, to record a happy birthday song for someone, to write articles, to record a voice over narration for a children book etc.
  • Photo cash app. Upload images and get $25 to $250+ for each image a website or brand uses!

What are easy legit ways for teen girls to make money?

Take pictures of your makeup, applying makeup.

Whenever you eat, take pictures of your food and upload them to make money.

Take pics of your pets and family.

Snap pictures when you hang out with friends. Friend photos are also very popular and bring in great money!

How to make money as a teen model without an agent?

  • Get a model agent. Contact all the big agencies, submit your photos and hope to get agented. The downside: Agents take a hefty % of your earnings.
    Big agencies have a lot of models and not all get hired (some make fortunes, some hardly ever make money). If you’re famous and ever say something politically incorrect or like someone’s comment/post and that person gets cancelled one day, so could you! Getting hated on by millions is NOT fun. Some people have mental breakdowns from it.
  • Become a social media influencer. Post images every day. Get followers.
    You’ll have to sit and wait for your followers to grow over time. Then hope brands will find you and reach out to you.
    Or join a platform/agency and fight over few jobs companies post. (There are over 100 million influencers worldwide!).
  • Snap pictures of yourself doing everyday things like eating, brushing hair, brushing teeth, applying makeup, hugging friends.
    Upload the images and make money each time a brand or website buys them! This is a fantastic way to model HOW you want, WHEN you want and to KEEP ALL THE INCOME yourself. No need to share it with an gent. No need to grow followers. No need to have a “persona”. No one cares what your name is, what political party you like, what clothes you like to wear and if you have a degree or not. They just want to buy your images.

How to make money as a family?

Your entire family can make money taking pictures of each other! You can take pictures of your siblings. Your parents. Your grandparents.

What are other legit ways to make money as a teenager?

  • Walk dogs.
  • Get paid to pick up dog poo.
  • Babysit.
  • Take out the trash for neighbors.
  • Mow lawns.
  • Wash cars.
  • Sweep/wash streets.
  • Be an apprentice.
  • Create handicrafts and sell them on Etsy.


“I need to make money in a week!”

If you need urgent cash for an emergency or to pay the bills, here’s what to do:

  • Do errands for neighbors.
  • Look at your local Classifieds to see if someone needs help with something you can do like moving house, walking a dog etc.
  • Apply to local jobs.
  • Freelance online (you need to be 18+). Get hired to write articles. Do data entry jobs. Be hired as a social media assistant for companies and post for them on their social media.
  • Do gigs on Fiverr.
  • If you’re over 18 and American, apply for unemployment from the gov.
  • Turn your old pictures into cash. Upload them and earn.

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